Friday, November 30, 2007

Modifying Oracle Code

The steps that you should follow when modifying standard Oracle code for a stored procedure, package, or function. For non-database related files, follow the standards as much as possible.

Naming Convention

The file that contains the modified code should be named oracle_. to easily identify modified Oracle code/objects.

For example, if you need to modify a function in a procedure maintained in the file OEXULINB.pls, the file name would be something like oracle_OEXULINB.sql. If it is a package being modified, the file should contain both the package spec and package body.


Include at least one comment line that contains “ASC” within the first 20 lines of the object. For example:

/* $Header: INVTISVB.pls 115.44.11580.6 2003/10/20 04:00:52 rmurari ship $*/
/* Customized by ASC for ERP 3.0 */
Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
All rights reserved.

1. The original unmodified standard Oracle file should be added to the repository under /vob/erp/asc_custom/orig. This should help when an Oracle patch is applied.
2. The modified file name should be placed in the same directory as other customizations.

Exception Log: Update the exception log, if applicable.

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