- Functional grouping of forms, reports, programs, menus, libraries, and other objects
Application Short Name:
- Identifies application in directory and file names, and in application code such as PL/SQL routines.
Oracle Schema:
- Database user name used by application to access the database. Also known as 'Oracle ID' or 'Oracle User'.
Environment Variables:
- Application Basepath
Setup Application Directory Structure:
- Place application components in appropriate directories on appropriate machines so that AOL can find them.
Register Application:
- Register application's name, short name, basepath and application description with AOL. AOL uses this information to identify application objects such as responsibilities, forms, etc.
- To reduce risk that your custom application short name could conflict with a future Oracle Applications short name, name it as XX___
Add Application to a Data Group:
- Oracle Applications are installed as part of the Standard Data Group. Use Data Groups window to make a copy of standard data group and add your Application-Oracle ID pair to new data group.
- Specify APPS as Oracle ID (instead of custome schema) if you have integrated your application tables with the APPS schema.
- (N) : System Administrator responsibility- Security -> ORACLE -> Data Group
Application window:
- Register application to get AOL identify your application objects (e.g responsibilities, forms etc.) as belonging to your application. This identification with custom application allows Oracle Applications to preserve your application objects and customizations during upgrades.
- Define an environment variable that translates to your application basepath.
- Setup a directory structure for your custome application.
- Create a database if custome custom application resides in a database other than the database where Oracle Alert resides.
- Application:
- Short Name: XX_
- Basepath: Name of environment variable that represents the directory of your application's directory tree. Oracle Applications search specific directories beneath the basepath for executables. [Correspond to GL_TOP,AR_TOP etc. e.g. ACX_TOP]
Building Database Objects:
- Oracle Applications upgrade technology relies on Record History(WHO) information to detect and preserve customization.
- Add WHO columns to tables, and WHO logic to custom forms and stored procedures, to track changes made to application data.
- Represent each of WHO columns as hidden fields in each block of custom form. Call FND_STANDARD.SET_WHO in PRE-UPDATE and PRE-INSERT.
- Any table that may be updated by a concurrent program also needs additional columns used for Record History.
- REQUEST_ID: is foreign key to table- FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
- PROGRAM_ID: is foreign key to table- FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS
- To set Record History information, use event handlers in forms. Store logic in PRE-INSERT and PRE-UPDATE event handlers, which are called from PRE_INSERT and PRE_UPDATE block level triggers.
- Any constraint that is associated with a table should be duplicated in form so that user receive immediate feedback if a constraint is being violated.
- If you create additional constraints on Oracle Applications tables, disable them before upgrading Oracle Applications.
- NOT NULL: Declare corresponding field in Oracle form as "Required"=True.
- DEFAULT: Do not use this feature due to locking problems with Oracle Forms. * Defaulting column values can make batch programs simpler. Possible default values are SYSDATE, USER, UID, USERENV(), or any constant value.
- UNIQUE: Only fields that user can enter should have a uniqueness check within form. System generated unique values should be derived from sequences.
- PRIMARY KEY: Define a primary key for all the tables.
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