Saturday, December 1, 2007

Menus and Responsibilities

Custom Menus

1. The menu field should follow the “ASC_” format, where is in all caps (e.g. ASC_AP_USER_MAIN_MENU).
2. The User Menu Name should also follow the “ASC_” format, where is in all caps (e.g. ASC_AP_USER_MAIN_MENU).
3. For the top menu associated to the custom responsibilities, the menu name and the user menu name should be equivalent. This makes it much easier for the responsibility automation.
4. Make the description in the description field as descriptive as possible (in mixed case).
5. All submenus associated to a custom menu must also be a custom menu following the same standards listed above.

Custom Responsibilities

1. Operating Unit specific responsibilities should begin with . (e.g. AU AP Analyst)
2. For Operating Unit specific responsibilities, Responsibility_Key should be defined as _. Where is all in caps. (e.g. AU_AP_ANALYST)
3. For manufacturing module responsibilities, also add the inventory org after the country code (e.g. GSL S00, GSL VAU, etc.)
4. For Manufacturing Modules responsibilities, Responsibility_Key should be defined as GSL_ or GSL V_. Where is all in caps. (e.g. GSL_WORKFLOW or GSL_VAU_INV_INQUIRY)
5. Non-Operating Unit specific responsibilities should begin with either ERP or ASC – ERP is preferable. (e.g. ERP Operations)
6. For Non-Operating Unit specific responsibilities, Responsibility_Key should be defined as ASC_. Where is all in caps. (e.g. ASC_ERP_OPERATIONS)
7. For all custom responsibilities, the Data Group should be ASC_DATA_GROUP.
8. For all custom responsibilities, custom menus should be associated to them.
9. For all custom responsibilities, custom request groups should be associated to them.

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