Saturday, December 1, 2007

Implementation Team

Setup Team Role : The Implementation Team does not define setup values. All values must be determined by business or development requirements. The Implementation Team’s role is to administer the Oracle Application Setups. The Implementation team is Oracle ERP resource to obtain the following goals: implement correct Oracle Application setups the first time by enforcing systematic documentation, established standards, detailed analysis for completeness, and consolidated and automated setups for efficiency.

  • Documentation Role
    1. Ensure consistent format
    2. Verify that standards are being followed
    3. Check for completeness
    4. Facilitate Issue Resolution

  • Setup Entry/Maintenance Role
    1. Initial system setup and verification
    2. Automation development/implementation
    3. Maintain changes(via STAR/RFCs) in system and documents
    4. Facilitate issue resolution

  • Partner with Development
    1. Flexfield definition
    2. Value Set definition
    3. Other AOL Components (Responsibilities, Menus, Messages, etc.)
    4. Module setups that support custom development i.e. lookup codes, etc.

Developer’s Responsibility

The Setup Team controls updates to the setup documentation for all ERP modules. Developer notify Setup Team contact to make changes to any setup document.

Setup Change Procedure
1. Notify Setup Team Contact of any setup modifications needed
2. Use a detailed template if applicable when submitting any setup change. Examples of Setup Changes-

  • New Descriptive Flexfields
  • New Key Flexields
  • New Profile Options
  • Modified Descriptive Flexfields
  • Modified Key Flexfields
  • Modified Profile Options
  • New setup values required to eliminate application errors
  • Modified setup values to eliminate application errors
  • New setup values required by Oracle during upgrades
  • New/Modified Setup values required to ensure functionality

3. The Setup Team will then update the appropriate setup documents to ensure setup values are entered as required in future environments.

Frequently Asked Questions-

Question: When do I need to notify the Setup Team of a setup change?
· Anytime you navigate to a setup menu and need to make a change notify the appropriate Setup Team member.
· Anytime you make a change in the application that you want released in present and future environments notify the Setup Team.

Question: What happens if I do not notify the Setup Team of a setup change?
Answer: The setup change will not be made on any subsequent ERP environments affecting multiple organizations.

Question: My change is not on the list above what should I do?
Answers: If you are in doubt if a problem you have found is a setup related issue notify your Setup Team contact to help determine the correct course of action.

Setup Definitions Key Points : The Setup Team member is responsible for determining that each Setup step contains the following information:
Please partner with the Setup Team to determine that the following for each setup exists.
1. Oracle Required/ERP Required vs. Oracle Optional/ERP Optional
2. Level: Enterprise/Set of Books/Legal Entity/Operating Unit/Inventory Organization
3. Responsibility
4. Operational/Non-Operational
5. Business Impact Statement
6. Appropriate Setup Value
7. M/V/S Fields

Level: Enterprise/Set of Books/Legal Entity/Operating Unit/Inventory Organization
Developers and Business contacts must partner to determine what level: each setup step is managed. Investigate to determine the level of each step.
· Example: Level: Enterprise
· This indicates a global step that is only setup once typically. Enterprise level steps impact Multiple Organizations.
· Example: Level: SOB = AU
· This indicates that this step is entered once per Australia’s Set of Books.

Country Value:
This indicates that this step is entered for a specific site for statutory reasons.

Operational: Operational setups are user controlled and required for daily operations; These setup values are frequently changed or added; Some operational values are entered with the global setups when a new countries goes live – otherwise, the user is responsible for these setup steps.

Non-Operational: Non-Operational setups are GAD controlled. These setup values are rarely or infrequently updated. The System Administrator and global menus will control access to non-operational setups. Contact your business team contact to help define this process.

Profile Options : For custom profile options:

1. The name field should follow the “ASC_” format, where is in all caps.
2. The User Profile Name follow the “ASC: ” format, where is in mixed case and is the user defined description to identify the purpose. Do NOT use underscores in the user profile name.
3. Try to make the description in the description field as descriptive as possible.

Valuesets : For custom valuesets:

1. The “Value Set Name” field should follow the following format, “ASC_” format, where is in all caps and is the user defined description to identify the purpose.
2. Make the description in the description field as descriptive as possible.

Descriptive Flexfields Standards

1. When defining descriptive flexfields, start with the highest numbered attribute (usually attribute15) and work backwards. The highest numbered attribute should always have the number field set to 1 (unless Oracle has a specific requirement not to define them this way). The next highest attribute should have the number field set to 2, and so on.
2. The top 2/3 attributes (usually attributes 6-15) will be reserved for all global descriptive flexfield segments used for more than one country (operating units).
3. The bottom 1/3 attributes (usually attribute1-5) will be reserved for all descriptive flexfield segments that are context sensitive.
4. The name, description, list of values, and window fields should all be in mixed case (where possible).
5. Try to make the description field as descriptive as possible.

Key Flexfields

1. The name, description, list of values, and window fields should all be in mixed case (where possible).
2. Try to make the description field as descriptive as possible.

Lookup Values (FND_LOOKUP_VALUES) and Custom Tables:
These instructions can be used to create seed data scripts to load lookup values.

Create 2 scripts – one to extract lookup values from Oracle Standard lookup tables (build_oracle_lookups.sql) and one to extract lookup values from the Custom Lookup table (build_custom_lookups.sql ). The developer’s responsibility is to add the new look up values to the Development environment and utilize these scripts to create lookup automation for release in the test and production environment. Update the file created when additional values are required and notify the setup team and update the log.

1. Add new lookup values to appropriate development environment.
2. FTP the script files to the destination environment
a. build_oracle_lookups.sql (This one is used to extract lookup values from Oracle Standard lookup tables.)
b. build_custom_lookups.sql (This one is used to extract lookup values from custom lookup tables.)
3. Execute the appropriate file from sqlplus.
4. You will be prompted for the Lookup Type for the particular values you are extracting.
5. Enter the Lookup Type
6. A file will be created called – ‘lookup_extract.
7. Rename the file to an appropriate name. Include lookups in the name and the rest should make sense for the lookup values included. Example. For the PHONE_LINE_TYPE lookup values – the file name is phone_line_lookups.sql.
8. You will need to edit the file – add the header information, the exit, remove the lines where the prompt is being referenced, remove any unneeded blank lines, and remove any lookup values that you do not want released.
9. This file will be either included in the $INFX_TOP/install/db or $ASCX_TOP/install/db directory and executed by the master script.
10. This file will contain the lookup type and lookup values – if the type and values already exist in the environment you are loading the records – it will not update the record.

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