Saturday, December 1, 2007

Setup Procedures

(1) Anytime you navigate to a setup menu and need to make a change, you need to notify the implementation team.
(2) Anytime you make a change in the application that you want released and made in all R11i environments, you need to notify the implementation team.

1. Notify Setup team and your assigned setup team resource and update the appropriate log with required information.
This includes any of the following:
· Setup value required to eliminate an application error.
· Setup value changed by Oracle during upgrade from required module setup value.
· New/Modified Setup value required to ensure existing functionality still available.
· New/Modified Setup value required for Localization that has been identified as Global. – Including new descriptive flexfields, profile options, module specific value changes, etc.

2. Setup team is responsible for updating all setups in each environment – this does not include development environments.

3. Setup team will then update the appropriate setup upgrade documents to ensure setup values are entered as required in all ERP (R11i) environments

New / Modified Descriptive or Key Flexfield and Valueset Definitions : When submitting request for descriptive flexfield addition and you have the detail associated to the descriptive flexfield, use templates when sending us your setup request.

New / Modified Descriptive Flexfield Development Procedures

If a Local Flexfield is to become a global flexfield in ERP (R11i), then the developer must ensure the information is populated correctly per country instance. The developer and the installation/setup resource needs to work together to determine which attribute the new descriptive flexfield should be assigned. There are 2 situations to consider when assigning descriptive flexfield attribute numbers:
1. The top 2/3 (usually attribute 6-15) will be reserved for all global descriptive flexfields used for more than one country.
2. The bottom 1/3 (usually attribute1-5) will be reserved for all global descriptive flexfields used for those descriptive flexfields that will be context sensitive.
Once the global attribute has been identified, it is up to the developer to convert existing local descriptive flexfield data to the new global attributes, if applicable.

If a new flexfield is to be added in ERP (R11i), and if the flexfield has been used in the past, then it’s the developer’s responsibility to create a script that will null out the flexfield value on the database as part of the installation process.

If a global flexfield is no longer necessary, then the installation/setups will delete the flexfield definition. The data in the database will remain as is. Other system impacts must be determined as well as the impact to other tables which reflect the same flexfield information (such as order header flexfields which also appear on the invoice or descriptive flexfield no longer needed due to new field on table meeting same needs).

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