Saturday, December 1, 2007

File Naming

General File Naming standards:

  • All custom files should be located somewhere under $CUSTOM_TOP ($APPL_TOP/asc_custom).
  • File names should be meaningful and descriptive but not excessively long.
  • It can be helpful if files related to the same set of functionality have a common prefix. (Note: since all files under $CUSTOM_TOP are ASC's files, the prefix of 'asc' is unnecessary.)
  • In general, file names using lower case are preferred. However, forms, libraries, and reports should be in upper case.
  • File extensions should be used as follows:

    .sh Shell scripts
    .sql SQL scripts
    .rdf Reports
    .fmb Source for forms
    .fmx Executable forms
    .msb Message files
    .ctl SQL Loader control files
    .par Parameter files
    <> C program executables
    .a C library files (a collection of compiled objects)
    .o C object files (compile code without system-specific links)
    .h C header files (could contain constants or other variables that could be shared with multiple programs)
    .mk C make files (contains the information needed to compile & create C executables)
    .pc uncompiled C code with embedded SQL
    .c uncompiled C code (embedded SQL has been converted to C code)

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